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Unemployment insurance contributions for 2020 have been confirmed

NEWS 4.12.2019 0.00

The President of the Republic approved a bill on next year’s unemployment insurance contribution on 4 December 2019.

The contribution rates for 2020 are as follows:

  • Employee unemployment insurance contribution is 1.25% of the wage.
  • Employer unemployment insurance contribution is 0.45% of the wage if the wage sum is no more than EUR 2,125,500. The unemployment insurance contribution for the part exceeding the wage limit is 1.70% of the wages.
  • The employee contribution paid by part-owners is 0.65% of wages.
  • The employer contribution paid for a part-owner is 0.45%.
  • The unemployment insurance contribution of state-owned companies is 0.45% of the amount of paid wages, if the wage sum is no more than EUR 2,125,500. The contribution for the part exceeding the wage limit is 0.99% of the wages.
  • Unemployment insurance contribution of universities is 0.45% of the wages, if the wage sum is no more than EUR 2,125,500. The unemployment insurance contribution for the part exceeding the wage limit is 1.21% of the wages.

Other changes concerning unemployment insurance contributions in 2020

Full liability component is collected from companies that pay at least EUR 34,008,000 in wages. The liability component is not collected from companies that pay no more than EUR 2,125,500 in wages.