We recommend that you do business and send messages in our online service, as it is the fastest and most secure way to handle your business with us. When you log in to our online service, you must identify yourself with your online banking ID, for example.
Please avoid reporting the same matter through many different channels so that your matter can be dealt with more quickly.
075 757 0505 (local/mobile charge) 9–12 weekdays. From 1.12. we serve from Monday to Thursday between 9AM and 12PM.
Employment Fund
P.O. Box 113
00181 Helsinki
Please don´t put customer servants name on the envelope or it will slow down the process.
075 757 0500 (local/mobile charge) 9–15 weekdays
Employment Fund
Tunnus 5017569
00003 Vastauslähetys
The reply mail is free of charge for our customers - you don´t need a stamp.
09 4242 7007 9–15 weekdays
Use a secure connection when sending any confidential information.
09 6803 7369 9–15 weekdays
Use a secure connection when sending any confidential information.
Tunnus 5020016
00003 Vastauslähetys
The reply mail is free of charge for our customers - you don´t need a stamp.
09 6803 7369 9–15 weekdays
Use a secure connection when sending any confidential information.
Tunnus 5020016
00003 Vastauslähetys
The reply mail is free of charge for our customers - you don´t need a stamp.
Use a secure connection when sending any confidential information.
Tunnus 5020856
00003 Vastauslähetys
The reply mail is free of charge for our customers - you don´t need a stamp.
Tunnus 5017569
00003 Vastauslähetys
The reply mail is free of charge for our customers - you don´t need a stamp.
Administrative matters addressed to the Employment Fund should be sent to our Registry. Documentation pertaining to such administrative matters includes for example requests for statements and reports, complaints, claims for damages and requests for information under the Act on the Openness of Government Activities.
Requests for information under the Act on the Openness of Government Activities and the EU General Data Protection Regulation, see data protection page.
Employment Fund
Registry - Kirjaamo
P.O. Box 113
00181 Helsinki
Use a secure connection when sending any confidential information.
Switchboard: 09 6803 7380 (local/mobile charge) 9–16.15 weekdays
The Employment Fund's business ID is 1098099-7.
Electronic invoice address/EDI ID: 003710980997
Operator: Basware Oyj
Operator address: BAWCFI22
Employment Fund
P.O. Box 113
00181 Helsinki
Itämerenkatu 11 - 13, 00180 Helsinki